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放疗是肿瘤综合治疗最重要的手段之一。营养不良是肿瘤放疗患者最常见的合并症之一,可以降低患者的放疗 疗效,增加放疗不良反应等。因此,开展规范化的营养治疗对肿瘤放疗患者的治疗和预后具有重要积极意义。近年来,越来越 多的放疗营养学者开始关注并对如何开展肿瘤放疗患者的营养治疗进行了探索,逐渐取得了理论成果和实践的经验。肿瘤放 疗患者一线营养治疗的理念已经逐渐被放疗医师接受,但是不同地区、不同医院、不同医师营养治疗开展的水平参差不齐,部 分地区和人员营养治疗的落实还存在较多问题。另外,放疗患者由于住院周期长、病情变化快、病程中和病程后可能出现急慢 性放疗不良反应等的特殊性,其营养治疗的具体策略和方法与其他肿瘤患者既具有一定共通性,但又具有自己本身的特点。 因此,有必要建立规范化放疗营养示范病房,以对区域内其他放疗病房的规范化营养治疗起到示范、引导作用,以点带面,必然 可以有效防治肿瘤放疗患者营养不良,推动营养治疗的真正落地,提升肿瘤治疗水平,维护患者医疗安全,提高患者生活质量, 节约医疗费用,让患者真正获益。
Necessity and significance of constructing standardized radiotherapy nutrition demonstration ward
Radiotherapy has become the main means of integrated treatments for tumor. Malnutrition is one of the most common complications for patients with malignant tumors. It has been shown to have negative effect on cancer patients, such as reducing the tolerance and efficacy of their radiotherapy. Therefore, standardized nutritional therapy has important and positive significance for the treatment and prognosis of cancer patients. At the present time, many radiotherapists begun to explore how to carry out nutritional therapy for those patients, and gradually obtain theoretical achievements and practical experience. The concept of first?line nutritional treatment for cancer radiotherapy patients has been widely accepted by radiotherapy doctors, but the level of nutritional treatment carried out by different doctors in different regions and hospitals varies, and there are still many problems in the implementation of nutritional treatment in some regions and personnel. In addition, radiotherapy patients have special characteristics, such as long hospital stay, rapid changes of nutritional condition, and radiotherapy?related adverse effects. Its specific strategies and methods of nutritional therapy are not the same as other tumor patients, but also have their own characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to establish standardized radiotherapy nutrition demonstration ward, which not only plays a demonstrative and guiding role for the other radiotherapy departments, and also effectively prevents the malnutrition of patients with tumor radiotherapy, promotes nutrition treatments. Furthermore, standardized radiotherapy nutrition demonstration ward can improve the safety and quality of life of patients, save health care costs and bring benefits to patients.