Abstract:The morbidity and mortality of malignant tumor are increasing in China the integrative oncology treatment strategy has
become more and more important. As a part of integrative oncology treatment strategies exercise therapy has been confirmed its crucial
role in the prevention and treatment of malignant tumor. Exercise can not only affect the tumor microenvironment inhibit or reverse
some metabolic pathways but also prevent cancer occurrence by reducing the risk factors of tumorigenesis. The anti-cancer effect of
exercise is reflected in many outcomes. It can reduce the risk of tumor metastasis and recurrence and improve the prognosis of tumor
patients. Exercise can also improve the efficacy of anti-cancer therapy and reduce related side effects relieve tumor-related symptoms
and improve the quality of life of patients. Risk assessment and exercise test are required before the implementation of exercise therapy
to screen patients who can be subjected to exercise therapy. In particular based on four elements of FITT frequency intensity time
and type the formulation of individual exercise prescription should also consider heterogeneous patients with different types and stages
of malignant tumors and perform dynamic monitoring and adjustment in follow-up treatment. At present the practical scheme suitable
for physical activity of tumor patients in China still needs to be further explored to make it suitable and maximumly beneficial for malignant tumor patients.
中国抗癌协会肿瘤营养专业委员会,国家市场监管重点实验室(肿瘤特医食品),北京肿瘤学会肿瘤缓和医疗专业. 中国恶性肿瘤患者运动治疗专家共识[J]. 肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志, 2022, 9(3): 298-311.
Chinese Society of Nutritional Oncology Key Laboratory of Cancer FSMP for State Market Regulation Beijing Association of Oncology. Consensus of Chinese experts on exercise therapy for cancer patients. Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, 2022, 9(3): 298-311.