Abstract:In oncology patients disease - induced hypophagia and hypermetabolism which in turn causes accelerated protein
breakdown and insufficient protein synthesis in skeletal muscle is known as tumour - associated sarcopenia. Sarcopenia has the
potential to reduce clinical outcomes affect mental status and increase hospitalisation costs. The core of the focus on tumour -
associated sarcopenia is to screen diagnose and intervene in oncology patients with sarcopenia thereby improving clinical outcomes
and shortening hospital stays. The SARC - F can be used as a screening tool in combination with diagnostic techniques such as
computed tomography CT magnetic resonance imaging MRI or dual energy x-ray absorptiometry DXA . Diagnostic techniques
such as MRI or DXA facilitate early detection of sarcopenia in tumour patients. Interventions mainly include nutritional interventions
exercise interventions and comprehensive interventions. Among them nutritional interventions mainly include supplementation of
protein ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ω- 3 PUFAs vitamin D and so on. It is hoped that more oncology - related medical
personnel and patients will improve their understanding of tumour-related sarcopenia conduct in-depth basic research and improve
precise nutritional interventions so as to reduce the risk of sarcopenia in oncology patients and thus help more oncology patients.