1Department of Oncology Handan Chinese Medicine Hosptial Handan 056000 Hebei
2Department of Nephropathy Endocrinology
Handan Chinese Medicine Hosptial Handan 056000 Hebei
3Department of Geratology Handan Chinese Medicine Hosptial Handan
056000 Hebei
Abstract:Gastric cancer ranks fourth in morbidity for malignant cancers worldwide. As a major tumor the factors affecting its
incidence rate have always been focused. Many scholars believe that the decline of gastric cancer morbidity is most probably related to
various factors such as life and diet habits. This paper mainly analyzes four aspects ①The reduction of Helicobacter pylori infection
rate is usually matched with the decline of morbidity and mortality of gastric cancer ②The dose-response relationship between salt
intake and incidence rate of gastric cancer has been fully supported by the literature ③As the duration of smoking increases the risk
of cancer significantly increases ④For many years vitamin C has been considered an important factor in reducing the risk of gastric
cancer. More influencing factors are still being explored and as we deepen the understanding of gastric cancer it will be of greater
help to doctors and patients in the diagnosis treatment and prognosis of the disease.