The six-word rule of enhanced recovery for geriatric patients
YU Kai-ying, ZHANG Xiao-wei, PAN Lei, SHI Han-ping
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery/Clinical Nutrition, Beijing Shijitan Hospital/Capital Medical University Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Cancer Metabolism and Nutrition/Department of Oncology, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:China is an aging society, whose elderly population is facing a high incidence of disease. Geriatric patients have decreased tolerance of illness and response to treatment due to the physiological decline accompany with aging. Therefore, it is ofgreat importance to enhance geriatric patients’ recovery in clinical practice. Enhancing recovery could be implied via various methods. Herein, the authors present, based on their clinical experience, six aspects that assist a patient’s rapid rehabilitation, including exercising respiratory function, continuous oxygen inhalation, rising physical activity, assuring sleep quality, limiting the volume of IV infusion, and nutrition therapy. In short, the six-word rule comprises “breathing, oxygenation, exercise, sleep, IV input-control, nutrition”. Despite building up the tolerance to stress and enhancing physical strength require a long-term effort, studies revealed that pre-rehabilitation before surgery or ERAS care during the perioperative period could significantly lower the complication rate and improve the treatment outcome. The six-word rule introduced in the current paper applies but not limited to geriatric patients and patients with or without surgical operation.
于恺英,张骁玮,潘磊,石汉平. 老年患者快速康复6字法则[J]. 肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志, 2019, 6(3): 273-276.
YU Kai-ying, ZHANG Xiao-wei, PAN Lei, SHI Han-ping. The six-word rule of enhanced recovery for geriatric patients. Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, 2019, 6(3): 273-276.
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