Abstract:Gastroparesis is a clinical syndrome caused by gastric emptying disorder with nausea vomiting abdominal distension
and abdominal pain as the main manifestations. Gastroparesis has long posed a serious threat to human health with a mortality rate
much higher than that of non-gastroparesis patients. Patients with gastroparesis are often accompanied by vomiting early satiety and
abdominal distension which lead to insufficient nutrient intake. Nutritional screening and assessment and appropriate nutritional
treatment according to the assessment results and conditions are important measures to treat gastroparesis and prevent complications
related to gastroparesis. After completing the evaluation of gastroparesis patients it is necessary to formulate a set of individualized
nutritional treatment plan which mainly includes the adjustment of dietary habits low-fat low-soluble fiber diet small number of
meals if the nutritional requirements of the body cannot be met the number of meals can be increased appropriately. Eat less
fiber-rich foods. Jejunal nutrition is the most effective alternative to oral feeding for gastroparesis patients. Pay attention to energy and
trace elements iron fat soluble vitamins B vitamins and folic acid etc. supplement. In patients with malignant tumors protein
supply can be increased to 1. 5 g / kg·d . In conclusion nutrition therapy is a necessary link and an important strategy in the
treatment of gastroparesis patients.
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Chinese Society of Nutritional Oncology, Chinese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Expert consensus on nutritional treatment for patients with gastroparesis. Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, 2023, 10(3): 342-347.