Abstract:Radiotherapy is a key method in the treatment of malignant tumors which has significant benefits. It not only effectively
reduces the burden of tumors and relieves related symptoms but also deeply affects the nutritional status of patients. However the
process of radiotherapy complexly interferes with the intake digestion absorption and metabolism of nutrients which can easily lead
to or aggravate malnutrition becoming a common complication of radiotherapy patients. In view of the significant negative impact of
malnutrition on prognosis and quality of life it is essential to implement systematic and standardized nutritional assessment and
intervention for radiotherapy patients. Therefore nutritional risk screening 2002 NRS 2002 scale is recommended as the preferred
screening tool because of its scientific and practical nature. However the patient-generated subjective global assessment PG-SGA
plays an important role in nutritional assessment due to its comprehensiveness and sensitivity and provides a basis for personalized
nutritional intervention. In view of the dynamic changes in nutritional status of patients we advocate flexible strategies such as timely
adjustment of treatment pathways optimization of enteral and parenteral nutrition support personalized energy and protein requirements
setting reasonable supplementation of immune nutrients and encouraging patients to participate in physical activity. These
comprehensive measures are aimed at comprehensively improving the nutritional status of patients during the perioperative period of
radiotherapy reducing the adverse reactions of radiotherapy improving the tolerance of patients and enhancing the sensitivity of tumor
cells to radiotherapy so as to optimize the therapeutic effect. Both in the short and long term they are expected to significantly
improve the efficacy and ultimately improve the overall quality of life of patients.
中国抗癌协会肿瘤营养专业委员会,中华医学会肠外肠内营养学分会. 放疗患者的营养治疗指南(2024 版)[J]. 肿瘤代谢与营养电子杂志, 2024, 11(5): 629-637.
Chinese Society of Nutrition Oncology, Chinese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Nutritional therapy guidelines for radiotherapy patients (2024 Edition). Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, 2024, 11(5): 629-637.