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宫颈癌术后患者的社会支持和肿瘤复发恐惧: 疾病不确定感的中介作用
1李 林,2陈晶晶,1吴 婷,3李洪林
1海安市人民医院妇科,江苏 海安 226600; 2南通大学附属医院妇科,江苏 南 通 226000; 3天津医科大学第二医院妇科,天津 300211
Social support and fear of cancer recurrence among postoperative patients with cervical cancer the mediation role of illness uncertainty
1Li Lin,2Chen Jingjing,1Wu Ting,3Li Honglin
1Department of Gynecology Hai′an People′s Hospital Hai′an 226600 Jiangsu China 2Department of Gynecology Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University Nantong 226000 Jiangsu China 3Department of Gynecology Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University Tianjin 300211 China