Abstract:The incidence rate of cachexia in malignant tumors is high and about 20% of patients with malignant tumors die of
cachexia. Persistent skeletal muscle depletion is a core manifestation of cachexia leading to a serious decline in the quality of life of
patients an increase in the incidence of complications and mortality. Clear diagnosis staging and grading are necessary for patients
with malignant tumors which is beneficial for their anti-tumor and nutritional treatments. Patients with malignant tumors exhibit low
intake and metabolic abnormalities both of which can lead to a negative balance of protein and energy. It is necessary to increase
energy and nutrient intake to correct the negative balance of energy and protein. Close nutritional follow-up nutritional counseling
and patient nutrition education are important measures for preventing and treating tumor cachexia. Simply choosing different foods and
understanding their intake can help patients consume more energy and nutrients which may help improve their nutritional status.
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Chinese Society of Nutritional Oncology, Chinese Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Expert consensus on nutritional therapy for cancer cachexia. Electron J Metab Nutr Cancer, 2024, 11(4): 485-492.