Abstract:Objective Analyze the effectiveness of enteral nutrition combined with accelerated rehabilitation for non-small cell lung
cancer patients undergoing surgery based on the DEA model. Method 102 non -small cell lung cancer surgical patients treated at
Xiaolan People's Hospital in Zhongshan City from October 2020 to October 2023 were selected and randomly divided into two groups
using a random number table method. The control group 51 cases received routine intervention guidance while the experimental
group 51 cases received enteral nutrition combined with accelerated rehabilitation. After comparing the intervention effects of the two
groups the DEA model was used to predict the technical benefits TE scale benefits SE k and comprehensive benefits OE of the
two groups θ 、 The coefficient of return to scale effectiveness and types of return to scale. Result Bedtime chest tube retention
time antibiotic duration and hospital stay were shorter than controls P<0. 05 total treatment cost was less P<0. 05 functional
status emotional status family status physiological status and lung cancer were higher P<0. 05 FEV 1 MVV FVC Hb ALB
and TP were 7 d P<0. 05 and postoperative pulmonary complications 3. 92% vs. 17. 65% were lower than controls
2 = 4. 993
P= 0. 025 . At the same time the DEA model was established to predict that there were 32 decision units with technical benefit value
of 1 in the test group and 28 comprehensive benefits mainly DEA was mainly effective and the scale was fixed in remuneration. The
technical benefits and comprehensive benefits of the two groups were different and the technical benefits comprehensive benefits and
scale remuneration coefficient of the pulmonary function indicators were different P< 0. 05 . Conclusion Based on the DEA model
evaluation analysis the combination of enteral nutrition and accelerated rehabilitation can improve scale efficiency and comprehensive
benefits with high utilization value. Its application in non-small cell lung cancer surgery patients has significant effects improving
postoperative lung function and nutritional status reducing postoperative pulmonary complications and promoting
postoperative rehabilitation