Nutritional therapy is the basic treatment and first-line treatment of diseases
1Guo Shubin,2Ruan Guotian,3Shi Hanping
1Emergency Medical Center of Chaoyang Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing 100020 China
2Department of General Surgery
Beijing Friendship Hospital Capital Medical University Beijing 100050 China
The Department of General Surgery / Center for Cancer
Nutrition and Metabolism Beijing Shijitan Hospital Capital Medical University Key Laboratory of Cancer FSMP for State Market
Regulation Beijing 100038 China
Abstract:Nutritional therapy is a basic right of human beings and it is the responsibility of medical services to apply nutritional
therapy to clinical work. Nutritional therapy is the first-line treatment nutrition is the basis of rehabilitation of all diseases is the
cornerstone of human self-healing and anti-injury. As an independent treatment nutritional therapy can not only provide patients with
the energy and nutrients needed for disease recovery but also shorten hospital stay reduce complications improve the cure rate and
mortality of the disease and have a synergistic effect with other treatments. In terms of medical economic benefits nutritional therapy
can reduce the use of medical resources and medical costs and bring economic benefits to the health care system. The nutritional
therapy of patients should run through all the time start early detect the whole process and return the nutritional and nourishing
foundation of the patients.