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中链甘油三酯的生酮饮食在化疗 3 个月以上乳腺癌患者中的随机对照研究
刘 柳,张园园,何 珍,吴 贝,徐 洋,曹 蔚
武汉市第三医院/ 武汉大学附属同仁医院肿瘤科,湖北 武汉 430061
Randomized controlled trial of MCT ketogenic diet in patients with breast cancer over 3 months of chemotherapy
Liu Liu, Zhang Yuanyuan, He Zhen, Wu Bei, Xu Yang, Cao Wei
Department of Oncology the Third Hospital of Wuhan / Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University Wuhan 430061 Hubei China